by Venchito Tampon Jr | Last Updated on October 24, 2021

When we think about outreach, we can’t start without having a discussion about email templates.

Many content marketers, SEOs, and link builders will disagree with the use of email templates, as it would only appear not personalized to prospects they’re reaching out to.

But the greatest link building minds actually use email templates to scale their link building outreach efforts.

In fact, without it, it wouldn’t be possible to gain a consistent number of links for link building campaigns — whether that is for enterprise sites, niche blogs, or eCommerce sites.

Outreach templates are critically important to scale link building and to A/B test elements of email copies in order to increase positive results.

outreach strategies promote infographics

In this post, we’re going to discuss a targeted outreach campaign — infographic outreach promotion.



What Makes Infographics Valuable For Prospects?

Value proposition is important to identify at the start of an outreach campaign. This will serve as the foundational message of an email outreach copy.

Infographics are highly valuable it if covers a message that no one else in the market has brought yet.

Of course, there is no such as this as an original content piece. Most infographics are derived from freely available data sources.

But If you can come up with an infographic that’s worth seeing in terms of content format, information, and messaging, you’ll have a unique value proposition your prospects would love to share and link to from their webpages.

Let’s cover some best practices to promote infographics to build high quality backlinks and get the deserved attention from the audience.

A. Write custom intros for publishers

One effective content promotion technique for infographics is to offer custom intros to potential publishers. This exact strategy is part of guestographics — guest posts for infographics.

Its advantage is helping out these content creators struggling to write the text part of the content piece — an added value besides giving them the infographic.

When writing custom intros of infographics, it’s critically important to write for the audience of the hosted domain. Know and understand their audience.

Your infographics may be the same piece published to all interested sites and blogs. But its well-written custom intros is what’s make the visual content more significant.

B. Break infographic into individual images

Infographics are normally long-form type of content.

In fact, there’s a myth that the longer the infographics are, the more valuable it is. But this isn’t true all the time.

In many cases, infographics that are too long must be cut into several pieces to be able to fit websites and blogs. This gives followers of the website real estate to consume the content effectively.

You can chop your infographic into individual images for each section, point, or takeaway.

how to choose wine instructographics

Instead of giving the entire infographic to your outreach prospect, you give them opportunities to use pieces of the visual. In that way, publishers can pick and choose images they think would be relevant for their future content works.

Once the infographic has been broken down into stand-alone images, you can create a gallery of these images — attaching it to your outreach emails like a little press pack.

Here are some examples of press packs from Distilled.

press pack example

press pack example two

The same analogy of press packs can be applied to outreach in promoting infographics. 

Whether you’re reaching out to influencers or niche bloggers, you can attach a custom gallery of images as soon as they respond positively to your initial pitch.

Another method to present those images is to upload it on a third-party site and simply include a URL to your outreach email linking to the gallery of images.

C. Target different types of outreach prospects

Every content marketer promoting infographics wants to get the most number of links possible to its visual page — as to get more visibility and to distribute the messages effectively to its target audiences.

An effective outreach campaign starts actually with how well do you know your outreach prospects.

This involves targeting different types to expand your list and get the most out of the content promotion and link building.

linkable audiences

Identify publishers who will be interested to publish your visual content. Start looking for some local angles of your infographic messages. It could also work well with the national press if you identify any fitting to your data.

Of course, you can’t get away with your initial type of outreach prospects – niche bloggers and content publishers in your space.

Are there any news sites that can cover your visual content? Go and find any similar infographics and see who linked to their content piece. Often times, you’ll find news sites you can reach out to for additional linking opportunities.

The idea of having different types of outreach prospects is to have your own split test. You can assess which types of sites respond better and double down your efforts for that particular segment group.

When you have many options for outreach prospects, you increase the likelihood of acquiring more links for your visual content piece.

You can use Ahrefs or Buzzsumo to find outreach prospects of site types I’ve mentioned earlier. And when finding email addresses, you can use VoliaNorbert to semi-automate the email finding process.

voilanorbert chrome extension

Organize your list of outreach prospects in a spreadsheet or in an outreach tool (Buzzstream, Pitchbox or NInjaOutreach)

Include necessary contact details and other pertinent information of link prospects that can help you personalize your email copies. This would make your outreach initiative much easier, as you have inputs in place for email templates.

Consider what type of email address you’ll be using as a sender for your outreach emails. You can use your agency email address, or branded email addresses for your clients’ outreach.

D. Use copywriting techniques for better engagement

Every outreach email has its own agenda — to get someone to take action. In this case, to publish the visual content piece your brand has created.

In making that happen, your outreach email must engage its target recipient from the start of the email down to your desired action.

This is where copywriting techniques come to play.

Gisele Navarro shared how to turn a boring email into an irresistible link pitch. In her post, she discussed this idea of using grease-slide copies.

You’ll see most of these greasy slide statements in most of Brian Dean’s articles at Backlinko. You may not be fully aware but you keep reading the entire post until its end.

backlinko bucket brigades

Grease-slide copy is a copywriting technique used to keep your readers glued to your page. So using phrases like:

  • But wait — there’s more.
  • Yes, you read that right…
  • We’re not through yet.

Of course, not all of these grease-slide lines will work for your pitch. You have to check which ones are applicable to your outreach context. But if you can add these simple words to guest post pitch or any type of outreach campaigns, you can improve your outreach’s response and conversion rates.

Make Your Infographic Outreach Pitches Irresistible

There are many outreach advice and email templates out there, but the one that would be effective to you is to write an outreach email from scratch based on your brand’s messaging, context, and value proposition of your pitch.

Always improve your outreach copy based on the feedback of your prospects and the added value of your visual content piece. Make it irresistible.