by Venchito Tampon Jr | Last Updated on February 8, 2021

The addiction space is one of the easiest vertical we’ve found to build links in. With a couple of scalable link building strategies to execute on, you’ll be able to generate high-quality backlinks consistently to your site.

Side note: In case you don’t own or work with drug rehab centers, I’ve covered niche-specfiic link acquisition strategy for other industries like fashion, real estate and lawyers.


If you’re looking to get links to drug rehab center websites, here are link building tips you can play around and maximize for your campaign.


Let’s start with low-hanging fruits: relationships.


One of the common obstacles in link acquisition is creating rapports with potential link partners who don’t have any idea of what your business is all about. Whether you contact them via phone or email, you don’t have any control of the possible conversions and the timeframe of actual link placements.

Leveraging existing relationships is one of the most commonly cited but rarely explained link building advice in the local scene. Reaching out to your existing contacts and pleading them “they link to you”, will not work.

There are seven easy-to-follow steps to ensure you’re getting the most out of your existing relationships:

  • Identify who you know who can potentially link to your website
  • Determine what kind of online asset will appeal to each individual
  • Reach out to every individual about the asset you can provide
  • Create the online asset
  • Send a compelling email with a clear call-to-action
  • Follow up and ensure quality with kind persistence,
  • Handwritten thank you card

You can read more of each step in ZipSprout’s article on, “Local link building via existing relationships“,

It is best to have proper inputs and specific actions for each existing contact. One proper way to do that is to create a spreadsheet to organize them all. Here is a sample spreadsheet from Ziprout.

spreadsheet link building via relationships

One example of an existing contact you can leverage with is production events you’ve partnered with for media purposes.

They have a dedicated page for media partners where they list down and link to each of their media partners.

rockers recovery above the fold

recovery resource page

If you’ve had this kind of partnerships in the past, better to gather their contacts and reach out to them for adding links to your site.


Another two low-hanging fruits in link building for drug rehab centers are submitting business information to local citation sites and getting links from business and local directories.

Both are quick wins in your first-month link acquisition campaign.

Here are websites you can submit business information and/or create business profiles from:


Business Profiles


We heavily relied on two link sources in collecting resource pages: search engines and Citation Labs Link Prospector.

You’ll have to use both methodologies to know which one would yield better results for your link prospecting campaigns.

What I’ve found is that there are a lot of noises one has to remove in filtering Google search result pages, even if they have used proper advanced search operators and addiction industry keywords.

While in Citation Labs Link Prospector, there is less noise one will be able to avoid by creating a Global Exclusions list to ensure specific websites will automatically be removed in the sourced out lists.

customize exclusions citation labs link prospector

I’ve shared a step by step process on how to prospect for resource pages using Citation Labs Link Prospector in this broken link building guide.

Pro tip: When running out of best industry phrases or keywords to use for link prospecting, you can use TagCloud to generate new keywords you haven’t used for your past link prospecting initiatives.

We input Page Titles of our first set of resource pages (we use Page Titles inputs to customize our email templates in outreach, making it more relevant to end recipients).


You’ll be surprised by how many keywords you can generate using the said approach.


If you’re starting from the ground or middle-level, you have to look and analyze how your competitors (from a national or local-centric approach) are creating linkable assets and generating manual or natural links to their sites.

By doing that, you’ll be able to see patterns of approaches you can replicate and innovate to even get better results than what they did.

One pattern is a similarity in audiences they’re tapping on.

Look at your competitors’ top pages and see where most of their inbound links are pointing to. When you scale that to different websites, you’ll see a pattern of audiences that they normally target for linkable assets. That’s when you can start creating content pieces that have a high likelihood of generating links.

Pro tip: You can analyze on a resources or blog section level to specify top-of-the-funnel pages that are getting links.

ahrefs best pages on resources section


As you go along with your search, you’ll find new competitors along the way that are still building their brand from scratch. Got a low authority level and is entirely new in the drug rehab industry.

I often dive in to their links and top pages reports to see if they’re doing amazing tactics I could replicate to my client’s campaign.

Pro tip: If you have landed in a page that links out to different linkable audiences, go a quick link profile analysis on each of the website and see if there are any linkable ideas that could be generated from their linking behavior and patterns.

Need help with your outreach campaigns? Check out our link building services here.

The Author

Venchito Tampon Jr

Venchito Tampon is a Filipino Motivational Speaker, Corporate Trainer, and a Leadership Speaker in the Philippines. He is the CEO and Co-Founder of SharpRocket, a link building agency. With a decade of experience, Venchito has a proven track record of leading hundreds of successful SEO (link builidng) campaigns across competitive industries like finance, B2B, legal, and SaaS. His expert advice as a link building expert has been featured in renowned publications such as Semrush, Ahrefs, Huffington Post and Forbes. He is also an international SEO spoken and has delivered talks in SEO Zraz, Asia Pacific Affiliate Summit in Singapore, and Search Marketing Summit in Sydney, Australia. Check out his other businesses, Hills & Valleys Cafe, Blend N Sips and Saas Pursuit.

How our LINK BUILDING AGENCY builds 250 links/mo consistently using Predictable Link Building Methodology™…

  • Using a SIMPLE and PROVEN system
  • Using a SCALABLE strategy
  • No private blog networks
  • No creepy outreach emails