by Venchito Tampon Jr | Last Updated on October 24, 2021


How to not fall into the trap of one-size-fits-all link building 

In this episode, we’re going to dive into one danger most marketers are doing when it comes to link building – and that is to focus on one single link building strategy. 

At the end of this episode, you’ll realize how important it is to diversify your link building campaigns so that you’ll reduce the risks of just focusing on one link building strategy. 

Back then, somewhere in 2009 or 2011, guest posting was a big thing. People were cramming to post articles on big publications, even ordinary websites that accept guest posts.

So SEOs and marketers pitch a very templated outreach email to pursue these blogs, either they’re generic or niche-related.

When broken link building is in its hype, people we’re diving into different techniques to maximize the strategy. There you see different articles that show the exact step by step process on how to execute it.

When Brian Dean of Backlinko introduced “guestographics”, a lot of marketers started incorporating this as their sole strategy to build links to their websites — which is basically promoting infographics, with text on top to build backlinks to the site.

Skyscraper technique has been a hit as well, so instead of just writing short-form texts, marketers tried to make the content as long-form as possible, a minimum of 3,000, or 5000 words with the thought the lengthier, the better.

There is a pattern in all of this — that when one link building strategy is newly introduced to the market and has been proven to provide results, the tendency is to use it as a one-size-fits-all link building.

You see this trap in brands where they only hire just one link building vendor for their website. While there’s nothing wrong with outsourcing your link building project, the thing is when that one service provider focuses only on one link building strategy. 

In general, one link building strategy caters to only one audience type or one type of linkable page. 

For instance, broken link building caters to resource page curators. Guest blogging for publications and blogs. Another strategy is to focus on ideas for local or national news websites. 

When a link building vendor tries to fit their strategy to your brand without really understanding what your target audience is, and how link building can benefit your business, chances are either they build you irrelevant links or links that don’t make sense to your brand at all. 



Dangers Of One-Size-Fits-All Link Building Strategy 

That’s the first danger.

Marketers could possibly build irrelevant links with no value to the business

And having said that, they can miss out on other backlink opportunities that can drive business value to the website. Business value in terms of referral traffic and assisted conversions. 

Another danger to a one-size-fits-all link building strategy:

The risk is too high using one link building strategy

When Google starts to devalue a certain type of link, you have a high risk with most of the backlinks you’ve built using that one strategy. So if a link building strategy doesn’t pass anymore, you run the risk from that. 

Now, let’s go for some tips on how to not fall into the trap of one-size-fits-all link building. 

How To Not Fall Into The Trap Of One-Size-Fits-All Link Building

First is:

Diversify your link building

To reduce the risk that comes from just executing one link building strategy, you can diverse by tapping other link building strategies you haven’t tried but are relevant to your business.

Instead of just focusing on a broken link building strategy that gets links via resource pages, try creating interactive content and promote it through manual outreach. You may also want to do digital PR if that makes sense for your business, to go after any news publications, whether local or national targeting.

By doing so, you’re not just reducing the risk of link devaluation, but also being able to grab backlink opportunities you wouldn’t have otherwise pursued if you solely focus on one link building strategy.

The next thing that you can do is:

Create a content ideation mix

So instead of solely focusing on one audience when creating content assets for your blog. 

Brainstorm together with your content team, if you have, any untapped audiences that still make sense for your business to target. Then try and test those audiences by creating initial content pieces to serve them well. 

So let’s say you’re working in a SaaS company, trying to build backlinks to their pages by targeting an audience — HR people, for example. 

If you’re heavily solely doing content promotion for HR blogs, you could try tapping other markets like other city blogs that correspond to the same context you’re trying to get into.

And the most important piece to not fall again into the trap of one link bulding strategy is to:

Think long-term

You may have gained quick wins already with your strategy at the moment. But the danger is that it only serves short term.

By having a long-term perspective on strategy, you look for techniques that don’t only give you quick wins but continuously providing you with opportunities in organic means. 

Like building assets to rank for specific keywords that get publishers’ attention, driving more visibility to your website, as it builds links on its own over time. 

So there you go, you discovered the danger of using just one link building strategy and some tips not to fall into this trap. 

Before you go, I have a special gift for you.  if you’re looking for ways to build backlinks to your online store or you’re stuck as to what link building strategy to use for your website, simply go to the description of this podcast episode. 

Go to either of the two resources I shared there. One resource is a blueprint that I and my team have used to scale ink building for clients and another resource for link building opportunities in the eCommerce space.  Go and grab those resources so that you won’t have to worry about how to do link building for your website. 

Go to the link that I shared there. These are email templates for link building strategies that you can easily copy and paste and get results for your outreach campaign. 

For more link building and content marketing tips, be sure to subscribe to this podcast to get notified of the latest episodes. Just click the “Follow” button. See you in our next episode.