by Venchito Tampon Jr | Last Updated on October 24, 2021


How to triple your link placement rate using this one model.

In this episode, we’ll look at this one marketing model that most marketers ignore but are very fundamental as to how you can capture your link prospects and get them to take your desired action. 

At the end of this episode, you can take your outreach to the next level by following this ultra-simple email model. 


When you read articles today on SEO, most of them are just rehashed of content created either by Brian Dean, Neil Patel, or Rand Fishkin. If you’re not familiar with these three big names, they popularized so many techniques in the internet marketing space today.

But what most people don’t realize is that the basic — the fundamental technique is what makes old and today’s existing strategy more effective than ever.

One, in particular, is in writing outreach copy for links.

Email templates from different SEO articles have been used by marketers, which leads to its ineffectiveness. 

Those email templates weren’t effective,  not because the template is simply used by many – that the more people are seeing it, the differentiation for that matter decreases. And thus, its effectiveness in persuading people to link to your website.

But those email templates were not effective because marketers themselves, the ones who are sending emails don’t really understand the psychology of writing one. 

If you know the psychology behind writing an outreach template that gets people’s attention and takes them to any action, the likelihood of your outreach success is much greater than the rest of the email senders. 

To triple your link placement rate – meaning your number of links you acquire for every outreach, you can use this marketing model – AIDA.

AIDA is a conventional model in marketing that stands for:

  • Attention
  • Interest 
  • Desire
  • Action

Let’s start with attention. 

Attention: What makes you interesting? 

Like any marketing material, you have to grab the attention of your intended audience.

In link building, it’s your potential linkers.

What they will see in the first line of your email will determine whether or not they’ll finish reading it. 

It’s very obvious, but still, marketers don’t see it as common sense. 

Catch your audience’s attention to create awareness about what you offer — whether that’s a content, story, or tip. 

A good tip is not to use any flashy cliches or clickbaity subject lines just to get your linkers’ attention.

It’s like having a product. The more you get people to believe in many things, the less likely to buy from you. But if you let them believe only in one thing and emphasize that with value, education, you’re more likely to get more customers from it.

The same is true with writing emails. Let them believe only in one thing.

So from writing your subject line to your first lines of an email, what do you want your audience to believe in your email pitch? 

Do not make any inauthentic claims or compliments just to let your publishers click on it. 

Remember these people have been receiving hundreds of emails every week (probably for top editors), they know which one stands out simply by reading your subject line.

Instead of doing that, why not simply describe your email pitch?

A recommended subject line for asset promotion email pitch is:

[Asset type] for [Site name]

Very straightforward but grabs the attention of your linkers. You know what their website is, and if you have an asset that’s easily recognizable, and they themselves have published the same content type, there is a quick capture of attention in there.

Think of your subject line and the first line of email copy as a way to open the lock in their doors. The opportunity can be missed easily if you take this thing carelessly. 

Interest: Why should your reader open your email? 

You have to answer the question: why should your reader open your email?

Next is to drive interest by connecting with your reader. 

In here, you want to keep your link prospect to read the entire email. 

This is when you would want to connect to your backlink target. A good connection helps you build a good link. 

Have you built a relationship with the person in the past? How did you find them? What is one thing that connects you and them? 

That’s the reason why it’s important to have pre-engagement initiatives before you even send people cold outreach.

Pre-engagement activities include sharing one of their social media posts or commenting on their blog. 

But of course, most of the time, you’re sending cold outreach emails. And this is the hardest part of all – finding that connection.

What you can do here is use the content as a gateway connection to them. What makes your content connected to its readers? If it’s something that is valuable in information, data, and any value therein, it can serve as a bridge between you and your target linker.

Always make your target prospect glued to your outreach email. Let him or her read it from start to finish. 

The third important component in the AIDA model is: 

Desire: What’s in it for them? 

The question you need to answer and make it emphasized so well in your outreach email is, what’s in it for them?

Like a normal person would ask, WIFM should be every marketer’s emphasis in an outreach email. 

Time is an asset, so never waste your prospect’s time.

The last thing you want to do is to waste your outreach prospect’s time by giving all the details as to why they should link to you, and not even bother on why they should care in the first place.

If you offer a free thing — free content, infographic — it is only free, but what makes this free interesting to them. 

Does it help solve a specific problem they have in their content? 

Because the more you think of your outreach prospect, the more you care for them, the more you realize your outreach isn’t about you, it’s about them.

And the last piece in this AIDA puzzle is:

Action: What action do you want them to take? 

Taking action includes linking to your content piece, using it as a reference in their future works, sharing your content, getting their insight for a story, round-up, or whatever curated content you’re about to create. 

“I’d love to hear your thoughts on this… if you’re interested…” these kinds of statements spark a sense of action. 

If you want them to take action, tell them. It doesn’t hurt to ask for an action. 

You’re not demanding here and manipulative, but rather showing empathy and value for their time. Once you’ve emphasized the “value” of your pitch — what’s in it for them? you can get to take an action. 

So there you go, you have discovered this simple model of AIDA to get more links from your outreach campaigns. 

Before you go, I have a special gift for you.  if you want done-for-you email templates, simply go to the description of this podcast episode. Go to the link that I shared there. These are email templates for link building strategies that you can easily copy and paste and get results for your outreach campaign. 

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