by Venchito Tampon Jr | Last Updated on October 24, 2021

The first reason why you’re not getting backlinks is that:

Your homepage and content are not linkable for the right audience

Here’s what it means.

When it comes to link building, one of the things that are important is making sure parts of your website are linkable. 

I say “parts” because, in reality,  not all pages of your website are linkable. Some are designed to specifically get leads, earn sales, and therefore they are not purposefully for links, but rather for conversions.

Though some, if matches to the right linkable audience, and has parts that are linkable, can still be of use for link building. 

But in general, there are pages of your website that are likely to get backlinks, because it serves the purposes for links — to get referenced by the author or publisher, to be mentioned because of the value and expertise of the brand.

The key action here is to check parts of your website — the ones you’re actively promoting to different platforms, and see if they are really linkable.

One question you can ask yourself is: If I were the linker, and when I see this content that I’m promoting, would I link to it from my website? 

The second reason why you’re not getting backlinks is that:

You are targeting a different audience

The utility of the content — how useful it is to an audience is very subjective. A content asset can be useful for one audience, but not for the other types of audience.

Bloggers, publishers, content creators, journalists are the ones likely to give you backlinks.

People in your networks who are competing with you — as you both have similar products or services won’t dare to give you links unless you have content worth referencing. 

I want you to check out my other episode on a linkable audience – to help you discover the audiences that can give you backlinks, and be able to match your content to them so that you can acquire links to your website. 

Another thing that you want to do is to check other audiences you haven’t reached out to yet in the past. 

The thing is if you’re in a very specific niche, there are less likely bloggers and publishers ready to give you backlinks.

So let’s say you’re in the local plumbing niche, you wouldn’t see many plumbing blogs sharing much content targeted in a local city.

You would either:

  1. Find other industries where you can find audiences match to you, or:
  2. Find other local city blogs (not specific to your industry), but are targeting the same audience in terms of location.

By doing so, you expand your reach to a wider scale, and not just targeting people you already know. 

The third reason why you’re not getting backlinks to your website is:

You haven’t done much promotion (or manual outreach)

Some marketers fail in getting backlinks they need not because they have crappy content assets, but they simply were not able to promote their content massively to their audience.

Here’s the thing when it comes to promotion: if you really believe in your content asset, just like how you believe your products/services, you will dare to promote it. 

There are many ways to promote your content, and I’ve covered a bunch of that in my other podcast episodes.

But to start with. 

Can you check your current networks, partners, and see if they have their own websites or blogs? You don’t have to start from scratch when it comes to link prospecting, you go look for anyone you already have connections with, and start touching base on them? 

Also, can you look for different platforms in Google, Facebook, Linkedin groups (without using expensive tools) for any possible link prospects — bloggers, publishers, content creators, journalists who can cover and promote your content? 

What is the value of your content? How can you emphasize the value of your content so that when it is pitched, it is an offer publisher can’t resist linking to it. 

You haven’t done much promotion (or manual outreach)

— prospected for tens, but not enough to get links in manual outreach.