by Venchito Tampon Jr | Last Updated on October 24, 2021
When it comes to content promotion, the first to get started is not knowing what channels to promote your content in, but rather having an understanding of your content piece.
Before you promote your content, you have to know what makes your content valuable.
The question you need to ask yourself is, “what makes your content valuable?”
Because if you see the value of your content, you can easily write captions for social media posting, you can easily write email templates to promote it to a cold audience, and even easily target the right audience — because in the first place, you’ve identified what value your content offers.
Find that value proposition.
Now, here are 7 effective content promotion strategies that actually work.
Audience Banking
First is through audience banking.
That is reaching out to your existing audience – this could be on social platforms or to your email list – if you have one.
You may have an existing following on social media services like Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter.
Start promoting your newly published content to your social followers.
The key here is to promote your content based on the context of the platform.
You don’t copy and paste the same stuff you post on one platform to another platform. On Twitter, you’re likely to see preview-like captions to describe what the content is about in a gist.
On Facebook, long-form caption writing may work best for you. As people tend to read more long-form captions today on that platform.
Know the context of the platform, and think of how you can best serve your audience with your content promotion strategy.
Community Engagement
Second is community engagement.
Community engagement means you don’t go to a Facebook group and quickly post a link to your content.
Remember that community groups are more strict today than before. They have guidelines for posting to follow.
So it is best to have a few groups where you can engage with other audiences.
Find community groups where your audience hangs out.
On Facebook, you can quickly search for which group you can engage in. Same with Linkedin.
There are particular premium slack groups where you’ll get the most value from audience insights.
The key to promoting your content in all of these groups is to think of value giving than just value getting.
If there are questions that are relevant to what you’re doing, answer it with value. And if there is a resource that you think might be helpful for the audience, include a link to your content.
External Content Contribution
The third effective content promotion method is external content contribution.
What you’ll do here is create content for other websites to promote your content on your blog.
How is that possible?
When you write content for other blogs, you include a backlink to your content on your blog.
This is often referred to as “guest blogging”.
When writing guest posts, be sure to consider these 5 simple tips:
- Who is their audience? Who are the people they’re writing for?
- What topics will best serve their audience?
- Can I write about those topics?
These three questions can guide you towards creating external content for other websites to promote your content that’s in your blog.
Alliance Building
Another content promotion strategy that really works is alliance building.
Alliance building means that you know who are your networks going online.
If you’re marketing an eCommerce site, who are your partner retailers, manufacturers, or suppliers you could reach out to promote your content?
Here’s the thing: it’s easy to promote content to a person who knows and trusts you.
So why not start with people you’ve known for months and years, and send them an email, telling them of your latest guide, infographic, or resource.
Start by having an inventory of your friends and networks working in the same industry as yours.
You can create a spreadsheet to track these people. Find their email addresses. Send them outreach emails. This leads us to the 5th content promotion strategy.
Cold outreach
If you don’t have an audience yet, this is the content promotion method for you.
If people don’t know you, then let them know you exist and your content exists.
So start looking for people who might be interested to link or share your content.
One good strategy here is to know publishers who’ve created similar content and see who has shared or linked to their content.
So if I am writing a piece about a sleeping guide for kids. I want to know who are other publishers created a sleeping guide for kids.
So I go on Google and type in, “sleep guide for kids”.
Here, I see different pages for that same topic.
Then if I want to know who are the people who linked to those pages, I can use a tool like Ahrefs to find who linked to those pages.
Given if they linked to a page similar to my content, they’d be more likely interested to see, share, or link to my content as well.
Dream 100 Promotion
Have you ever wondered how others get more attention quickly even if they’re just starting out?
The reason is that they associate themselves with influencers and thought-leaders in the industry.
These influencers and thought-leaders are your dream 100. They are the top 100 personalities in your industry.
If you leverage other people’s influence, you attract more eyeballs and get more massive attention than what a usual marketer can get.
But one question that will arise is this:
How could they interact with thought-leaders and top industry practitioners if they’re not of the same level?
You don’t send them spam messages to do a favor for you without even providing them with value first.
Here are some examples of the value you can give to your dream 100:
- Free product/service (e.g. 6-month access to a SaAs premium tool plan)
- Interviews (e.g. guest on your show featuring industry experts)
- Free content format (e.g. infographic version of their top blog post)
Start promoting your content pieces to Dream100 by giving them initial value.
Ad Retargeting
The next effective content promotion strategy is ad retargeting.
Basically, Ad retargeting is creating ads to target people who’ve visited your website.
Because they’ve known about your brand or content, the cost of your ads would be much lower than if you target a cold audience.
Ad retargeting is hitting warm audiences, which is an effective strategy to constantly build up your audience by showing your ads to people who are familiar with your website.
Start setting up your Facebook pixel. There are many tutorials on Google that show you how to do that. Then start creating ads to retarget website visitors.
The Author
Venchito Tampon Jr
Venchito Tampon is a Filipino Motivational Speaker, Corporate Trainer, and a Leadership Speaker in the Philippines. He is the CEO and Co-Founder of SharpRocket, a link building agency. With a decade of experience, Venchito has a proven track record of leading hundreds of successful SEO (link builidng) campaigns across competitive industries like finance, B2B, legal, and SaaS. His expert advice as a link building expert has been featured in renowned publications such as Semrush, Ahrefs, Huffington Post and Forbes. He is also an international SEO spoken and has delivered talks in SEO Zraz, Asia Pacific Affiliate Summit in Singapore, and Search Marketing Summit in Sydney, Australia. Check out his other businesses, Hills & Valleys Cafe, Blend N Sips and Saas Pursuit.
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- No private blog networks
- No creepy outreach emails